
What is the network ??

Networks with share resources have two or more computers, printers share exchange files, or allow electronic communication. On the network computer can be connected through cable, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites.

Common types of networks include:

• Local Area Network (LAN)

• Wide Area Network (WAN)

• Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


Let us explain in more detail

Local Area Network (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a network that is limited to a relatively small area. It is usually limited area like laboratory, school, small office and building.
A local area network is limited to a specific area, such as a home, office, or premises. A home network can have a router that provides both wired and wireless connections. For example, a computer can connect to the router via an Ethernet, while smartphones and tablets connect to the router via WiFi. All devices connected to the router share the same network and often share the same Internet connection.

It can also include many wireless access points and wireless repeaters which provide wireless access to the network. Although this type of network is more complex than the home network, it is still considered to be a LAN because it is limited to a specific location

Wide Area Network (WAN)

A wide area network is not limited to one area, but is limited to many places. Van often involves many lan connected to the Internet. The vans implementation can be done either with the help of a public transit system or a private network.

A van works in a fashion similar to a lane on a large scale. Generally, the TCP / IP protocol is used in conjunction with devices such as router, switch, firewall and modem for WAN. They can also be made from small lan which are connected to each other. The Internet can be described as the largest van in the world.

Metropolitan Area Network (Man)

A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that is covered by a large local area network (LAN) with geographical area or computer, but is smaller than the area covered by the wide area network (WAN).


 It is also used for the interaction of many local area networks by bridging with backbone lines. Later usage is sometimes known as Campus Network.


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